Zhongqing building is a 5A intelligent office building with a building height of 88 meters, a building area of about 50,000 square meters, full glass curtain outer wall, special shape, better enhance the corporate image, complete hardware, complete commercial facilities, fully reflect the human needs, floor height of 4 meters, strong comfort, frame structure to meet the different needs of the enterprise.
Zhongqing building has complete internal facilities, McWell 4 control central air conditioning, complete fresh air system, enjoy comfortable and fresh, anti-static network floor frame height of 15 cm, save space, decoration is more convenient, for customers in advance the most convenient service, so that customers feel comfortable, at ease.
Middle tower surrounded by chaoyang park, prices park, adjacent to the subway line 10, along dozens of bus lines direct, convenient traffic, near along office building, sanlitun business recreational area is in the west, south of the main road in accordance with the CBD core area, north at Lufthansa embassy district, a great area of the junction of four big business circle, business resources, office of the ideal place to go.
商 城:三里屯太古里南区、财富中心购物中心、三里屯SOHO商场、高和萃、世茂工三购物中心、侨福芳草地购物中心
餐 饮:海底捞(白家庄店)、眉州东坡酒楼(长虹桥店)、金鼎轩(团结湖店)、小吊梨汤(团结湖店)、大董烤鸭店(团结湖店)、本垒美式烤肉(三里屯店)
酒 店:北京康莱德酒店、北京通盈中心、洲际酒店、兆龙饭店、泰悦豪庭、如家快捷酒店(北京团结湖店)、汉庭酒店(长虹桥店)、宜必思酒店
银 行:北京银行(金台路支行)、中国建设银行(北京呼家楼支行)、交通银行(北京东三环支行)、中国建设银行(团结湖路储蓄所)、中国银行(北京工体北路支行)、中国银行(白家庄支行)、中国工商银行(北京团结湖支行)
超 市:京客隆超市(团结湖店)、爱便利连锁超市(团结湖店)、元泉量贩式、世纪华联超市、京客隆、捷玛特超市
地 铁:10号线团结湖站
公 交:长虹桥南:113路、650路、快速直达专线78路、夜30内。白家庄北:43路、113路、405路、北京妇产医院东院专线、高铁专线1路、快速直达专线78路、夜30内、夜34路。长虹桥西:113路、115路、117路、431路、701路、特16路、夜34路、夜3路。长虹桥东:95路、302路、431路、499路、650路、672路、690路、北京妇产医院东院专线、快速直达专线78路、特16路、运通122线。长虹桥北:95路、499路、672路、690路、高铁专线1路、夜30外、运通122线