Central park plaza is divided into A1 / A2 office building, A3, A4, A5 / A6 commercial enterprises single-family, A7 boutique office, B1 / B2 city green synthesis of high-end apartments, office building area of 105248 ㎡, total floor 27 floors, building won the LEED buildings gold certification, the ministry of platinum certification.
Central park plaza combines modern urban life with natural landscape, and makes high-end office buildings with Chinese ideas and the expression form combining Chinese and western elements to make buildings a continuation of nature. The mountain shape designed by the project forms an integral landscape with the lake water of chaoyang park nearby. The high mountain and running water are unified with the surrounding area to realize the humanistic care of Chinese style.
Junhao · central park square is the representative work of Chinese architect ma yansong's "urban landscape". Its design concept follows the concept of "urban landscape" proposed by Mr. Qian xuesen. The architectural appearance is designed as a mountain shape, which integrates with the large area of lake water in chaoyang park to form the humanistic and natural landscape of "urban landscape".
商 城:三里屯太古里、北京棕榈泉生活广场、世茂工三购物中心、高和萃购物中心、蓝色港湾、燕莎商城
餐 饮:王家渡火锅店(棕榈泉店)、老诚一锅(团结湖店)、威海海鲜渔家菜创史二店(团结湖店)、便宜坊(甜水园店)、大董烤鸭店(团结湖店)、紫腾轩
酒 店:北京康莱德酒店、布丁酒店(团结湖农展店)、洲际酒店、兆龙饭店、北京国检宾馆、富驿商旅酒店(朝阳公园店)、宜必思酒店、和颐酒店(北京团结湖路店)
银 行:北京银行(金台路支行)、上海浦东发展银行(金台路支行)、中国邮政储蓄银行、中国建设银行(团结湖路储蓄所)、中国银行(朝阳公园南路支行)、招商银行(朝阳公园支行)、交通银行(北京水碓子支行)
超 市:北京绿屋子超市、婕妮璐超市(朝阳公园店)、便利蜂、quchenshi(棕榈泉店) 、全时便利生活、卷烟超市
地 铁:14号线朝阳公园站
公 交:团结湖:31路、43路、117路、302路、431路、499路、635路、650路、672路、675路、690路、快速直达专线78路、特16路、夜3路、运通122线。甜水园街北口:31路、117路、302路、419路、421路、431路、499路、635路、650路、672路、675路、677路、682路、690路、985路、快速直达专线78路、特16路、夜3路、运通122线。长虹桥北:95路、499路、672路、690路、高铁专线1路、夜30外、运通122线。甜水园北里:31路、117路、419路、421路、619路、635路、673路、682路、973路、985路、988路、夜25路。朝阳公园南门:302路、431路、499路、619路、650路、672路、673路、675路、690路、973路、988路、特16路、夜25路、夜3路、运通122线